Agentia Nationala de Presa Agerpres
Member of DPD: Editor web |Member of BRAT: Editor web |Member of DI: Editor web
CEO: Claudia Victoria Nicolae
Office address: Bucuresti, Piata Presei Libere nr. 1, Sector 1
Work point address: Bucuresti, Piata Presei Libere nr. 1, Sector 1
T.I.N.: RO24292654
Phone: 021-207.61.22
Fax: 021-317.07.04
General e-mail:

Media products online

Contact person regarding BRAT

Representatives Name Position Email Phone
BRAT Cristian Popescu Responsabil Protectia Datelor cu Caracter Personal 021-207.61.22
DI Cristian Popescu Responsabil Protectia Datelor cu Caracter Personal 021-207.61.10
DPD Cristian Popescu Responsabil Protectia Datelor cu Caracter Personal 021-207.61.10